YouTube bring down the cost : コストを削減する 1:06 a big part of it is to bring down the costs glitch un awful lot went right deploy bring down the cost 2024.01.21 YouTube
YouTube reflect back : 振り返る 0:42 Do you reflect back on those 15 years. このごろ飛行機の事故が多かった。このハドソンリバー不時着事故からもう15 年もたつんだな。 a flock of birds subsequent me... 2024.01.21 YouTube
YouTube stage : 演出する 0:10 This pilot is about to land in prison after staging a plane crash now he tells Inside Edition he realizes he made a... 2024.01.20 YouTube
YouTube no match for : 相手にならない 0:02 lock is open locks like this are no mach for mark tobias deadbolt pros and cons licksmith caveat having said that 2024.01.19 YouTube
YouTube obsessed fan : 熱狂的なファン 6:45 She was in college at Yale when an obsessed fan John hinley Jr said he attempted to assassinate Ronald Reagan to ge... 2024.01.18 YouTube
YouTube in the wake of : の結果として 2:30 The US Airline regulator has ordered the grounding and inspection of some Boeing 737 Max 9 jets in the wake of the ... 2024.01.17 YouTube
YouTube lackluster : 精彩のない 0:16 Honda's EV lineup which has previously been perceived as lackluster power sneak peak teaser perceived a lackluster ... 2024.01.17 YouTube
YouTube stakes were high : 一か八か heaping scoops take the reins set out to herd pasteurization eggnog break new people in torture cheeze wheel stakes were... 2024.01.16 YouTube
YouTube love hundles : 贅肉 catch you tomorrow throw caution to the wind love hundles the wretch egocentric stay ahead of the weather bon appetit 2024.01.15 YouTube
YouTube come to terms with : 受け入れる 0:50 Sunny Juan is trying to come to terms with the fact she's lost her life savings こういう詐欺にはそうとう気を付けないとだめだと思う come to t... 2024.01.14 YouTube