0105_line his own pockt_私腹を肥やす / grease someone’s palm of_賄賂を送る


3:40 because we know that Donald Trump would sell this country for a dollar if it meant lining his own pockets and greasing the palms of his Wall Street friends.

我々はドナルドトランプという男は私、腹を肥やしたりウォールストリートの仲間に賄賂をおくるためだったら、たとえ1 ドルでもこの国を売ってしまう男であることを知っている。

  • foreclosure
  • greed
  • line his own pocket
  • grease someone’s palm
  • lift out
  • two-bit

My humble opininon

Does her argument really have substance?
I watched Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s speech at the democratic National Convention in Chicago on YouTube.
Many participants were enthusiastic about her argument.
However, I felt the content of her speech did not have much substance.
It is the way she speaks that makes it exciting.

