
I’m doomed : 終わった。もうダメだ。

2:09 I'm like I'm doomedHow a simple act of kindness connected two strangers at Atlanta airportlimpACLtorn (tear)Satchel...

How is it coming along? 進捗状況はどうですか

3:27 how's this Sunday sauce coming along?The secrets of chef Mario Carbone's Sunday sauceindulge inritualsimmerinvariab...

at stake : 危険にされされている

2:53 your life is at stakeHeart attack warning signs you need to know aboutcollagenlazeyradiatediaphoresisat stakebeside...

render : ある状態にする

0:56 immediately rendered life sustaining aid to those victimesKansas City Chief Fans Flee as Shots Ring Out During Para...

take its toll on : に大きな損失をもたらす

0:20 the world watched his Parkinson's disease took its toll on the world's most famous athleteFinal Appearances Celebri...

dish out : 出す

2:23 people really love apple and really trust Apple if they are fast to dish out nealy four grand to say they are among...

insect repellent : 防虫剤

vaccination driveinsecticideinsect repellentSouthern Coneline upvaccination drive

overblown : 大げさだ

a study out this week finds those fears may be overblown.California kitchen incorporates AI robot chefsoverblownmake eco...

go on a shopping spree : 買い物三昧する

0:12 a suspect even went on a shopping spree with the victim's credit card Purse thief CAUGHT stealing tourist's Gucci b...

tongue in check : 皮肉交じりの、ふざけた

1:36 but finishing tongue and cheek the US Embassy will continue to make tea in the proper way by microwaving itPennsylv...