

get the boot : 解雇される

0:20 she's getting the boot Tech Employee Shares Video of Her Being Fired backlash part ways with get the boot huge slap...

This job has never been by the calendar

この仕事はカレンダー通りの仕事ではない。 彼の写真はとてもすてきだと思う Living through winter at Yellowstone National Park herd solitude deserted start off...

live up to one’s reputaion : 評判通り

1:18 A media tycoon, Anna Wintour, is living up to her reputation as the real life Devil wears Prada. Anna Wintour Alleg...

capable : 有能

4:53 She is capable. She is poised. Iconic TV judge gives rare 2024 election endorsement deliver her final verdict endor...

incite : 煽る

1:27 He was convicted of inciting ethnic hatred and sentenced to four years in prison Why are Russians risking years in ...

at the expence of : を犠牲にして

1:35 it comes at the expense of virgin forests コーヒー好きの私としては、コーヒーを飲むことが環境破壊につながることは困った問題だ。 Company works to develop beanl...

cast a vote : 投票する

1:22 many lowans had cven cast their votes. Trump To Iowa: Vote, Even If It Kills You | Haley: America Is Not Racist | R...

Polar Bear Plunge : 寒中水泳

0:12 the large shelf of ice prevented him from being able to get out after his Polar Plunge shelf Polar Plunge he took o...

lurk : 潜む

0:10 camera video catches two boys lurking skedaddle they are rarely if ever caught but that's not what happened in this...

least favorite smell : 一番嫌いな匂い

5:52 Do you have a least favorite smell. questionnaire penetrate rattlesnake venom propagate least favorite smell despis...