0124_stay relevant in_のなかで重要でありつづける


1:15 Tupperware struggled to stay relevant in a food delivery world


I’ve been calling a plastic box for preserving food “Tupper” since childhood.
Most Japanese in their thirties would probably call these boxes “Tupper”, too.
Today, I found out that “Tupper” derives from “Earl Tupper” who founded it.
“Tupper” was sold in an unusual way.
Women who worked for Tupperware threw parties to sell “Tupper” to their neighbors.
I think this is multilevel marketing.
However, some people disagree.
I found out about Tupperware’s bankruptcy today.
I think a lot of people may become sad.

  • bankruptcy
  • staple
  • macroechonomic challenge
  • going the way of the phone book
  • epitome
  • durable
  • heirloom
  • stay relevant in
  • passing into
  • suburbia
  • throw a party

