

1:57 He says stacked on all those pallets is a motherload of stolen merchandise.


There are shoplifters in Japan, too.
However, it seems that resellers not shoplifters become problem in Japan.
They buy up video game console, new iPhone, or beauty products. then, resell them to the people who really want to buy them at high price.
There were reseller in Japan from before.
The one of the cause of resale problem is the websites existence that make it easy to resell products, for instance, “Mercari”.
You can find a lot of resale products there at high price.
I think Japanese government have to regulate it.

  • retail blitz
  • crack down
  • shoplifting
  • telltale
  • mischief
  • decoy
  • pounce
  • mother load
  • merchandise
  • along for the ride
  • up to mischief
  • nefarious
  • hit pay dirt

