
take its toll on : に大きな損失をもたらす

0:20 the world watched his Parkinson's disease took its toll on the world's most famous athlete Final Appearances Celebr...

dish out : 出す

2:23 people really love apple and really trust Apple if they are fast to dish out nealy four grand to say they are among...

insect repellent : 防虫剤

vaccination drive insecticide insect repellent Southern Cone line up vaccination drive

overblown : 大げさだ

a study out this week finds those fears may be overblown. California kitchen incorporates AI robot chefs overblown make ...

go on a shopping spree : 買い物三昧する

0:12 a suspect even went on a shopping spree with the victim's credit card Purse thief CAUGHT stealing tourist's Gucci b...

tongue in check : 皮肉交じりの、ふざけた

1:36 but finishing tongue and cheek the US Embassy will continue to make tea in the proper way by microwaving it Pennsyl...

go viral : バズる

0:27 It went viral Viral post sparks debate about personal space on an airplane not in the wrong fed up rule of thumb tu...

adapt to : に適応する

fill the space of adapt to aftermath

get the boot : 解雇される

0:20 she's getting the boot Tech Employee Shares Video of Her Being Fired backlash part ways with get the boot huge slap...
Coffee Break

Coffee Break 001

現在の英語の勉強法 今、やっている英語の勉強は YouTube を英語の字幕を表示させて見ながら単語を調べる 英会話はHanaso というオンライン英語授業を週2回くらい これだけ。YouTube は字幕がないと何を言っているかわからないけ...