YouTube 0141_down the road_将来 2:29 Today he reaffirmed that claim saying that down the road once Tesla can produce the robots at scale they would like... 2024.10.22 YouTube
YouTube 0140_heed the advice_忠告に耳を傾ける 0:27 you guys are heeding the advice to get out of town. Hazard Map A "Hazard Map" is designed by the Japanese governmen... 2024.10.20 YouTube
YouTube 0130_motherload_源泉、出所 1:57 He says stacked on all those pallets is a motherload of stolen merchandise. resailing There are shoplifters in Japa... 2024.10.14 YouTube
YouTube 0129_refrain from_控える 1:06 urging Japan's actions urging Tokyo to refrain from what it calls disrupting cross straight srability. Don't let th... 2024.10.12 YouTube
YouTube 0127_prone to temper tantrums _癇癪を起こしやすい A calling I think that a calling is the job that you can really enjoy.In Japan, you can choose your job freely.However, ... 2024.10.07 YouTube
YouTube 0126_been there done that_行くところには行った、行きつくした 1:47 many Chinese tourists now travel with a been their done that mentality Are the Bus Tours in China Fraudulent? Recen... 2024.10.06 YouTube
YouTube 0124_stay relevant in_のなかで重要でありつづける 1:15 Tupperware struggled to stay relevant in a food delivery world Tupperware I've been calling a plastic box for prese... 2024.10.03 YouTube
YouTube 0123_constant challenge いつも課題となっている 1:37 It's a constant challenge Stupid TV show Now a TV channel broadcasts the show of eating challenge every week.In Jap... 2024.10.02 YouTube
YouTube 0122_hold the gruge_恨みを抱く 4:30_This tiger have the ability to hold a grudge with a single individual Bear attack There are no tigers in Japan, but... 2024.10.01 YouTube
YouTube 0120_virtuoso_名手 0:23 But if I want to see real virtuosos Blind Pianist By the way, my favorite piano player is Nobuyuki Tsujii.He is a b... 2024.09.29 YouTube